Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Encore CD-ROM Manual


  1. After starting ULTIMA V, you will see a scene of Britannia. Press any key to bring up the ULTIMA V main menu.
  2. The first time you play, you will need to press C to select Create New Character.
  3. Enter the name of your new character.
  4. Select the sex of your new character.
  5. Answer the questions asked by the gypsy. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers just Iet your inner feelings be your guide.
  6. After answering all of the gypsy's questions, you will be taken back to the Ultima V main menu.
  7. Once you have finished creating your character, press J to select Journey Onward.


Except in dungeons or during combat, your party is represented by a single figure. During combat, each party member is shown and allowed to act independently. The Keypad on the right side of your computer keyboard provides movement and direcction. The North (key 8), South (key 2), East (key 6), and West (key 4) keys will move your party or party member in the designated direction. is also used to indicate direction when aiming weapons and casting spells.

When in dungeons, pressing the Enter or Period keys will turn you around. The diagonal keys are used exclusively for aiming weapons or casting spells in combat. Movement is not allowed using the diagonal keys.


In a game menu, use the directional keys to move the cursor bar and highlight your choice. When you are satisfied with your selection, press the Spacebar or the Enter key. To leave a menu without making a choice, press the Escape key. If you are selecting a member of the party from the party roster, you may alternatively indicate your choice by typing in the number of the player's position in the roster.

An arrow symbol just below a menu indicates that the list extends to include more items in one or both directions.


Following is a list of commands that can be executed by pressing the designated key

Key Command Function

[A]ttack Attempt to engage a person or creature in combat. Must be followed by a direction. In combat, you can aim weapons in any direction at any target within the weapon's range by using the number keypad and moving the crosshair on top of the target. Press the A key again or the Spacebar to fire.

[B]oard Board a frigate, skiff, or other conveyance or mount a horse. If you board a ship from a skiff, the skiff will be stowed and kept ready for later use.

[C]ast Cast a spell. Must be followed by the first letters of the spell's syllables. Only works when the proper reagents have already been mixed and the spellcaster has enough Magic Points remaining. Some spells require additional information (direction or target).

[E]nter Enter towns, castles, and other structures. Party members must be standing directly on structure to enter.

[F]ire Fire cannons. Must be followed by a direction. Ship cannons may fire only when the ship's broadsides are facing the target.

[G]et Take possession of gold, food, and other items. Must be followed by a direction.

[H]ole up In dungeons and wilderness, hole up and camp once a day to rest, heal wounds, and recover magical strength. In cities, hole up in an unoccupied bed to pass time quickly. On the sea, hole up to make minor repairs to your ship.

[I]gnite a Torch Light a torch, if you have one, to see at night or in dungeons.

[J]immy lock Unlock most doors and safely open chests with a skeleton key. Keys are reusable but often break if the person jimmying is not nimble enough.

[K]limb Climb up or down ladders in buildings and dungeons, down steel grates, or over small rockpiles, fences, and other objects.

[L]ook Identify any object or terrain feature or read signs one step away. Must be followed by a direction. May allow further interaction with some objects, such as wells and fountains.

[M]ix Prepare spell reagents for later use. Enter the first letters of the spell's syllables, then select the appropriate reagents from the menu. Press M again to mix.

[N]ew Order Exchanges the position of any two party members, except the leader. Select the two members to be exchanged from the roster menu with the cursor bar or by pressing the Number key representing the players' positions within the party.

[O]pen Opens an unlocked door or chest. Opening a locked chest will set off a trap if the chest has one.

[P]ush Allows small objects, like tables and chairs, to be moved. May be used to block doors.

[Q]uit and Save Save the current game status. If you do not use this command to end a playing session, any progress made since the last save will be lost.

[R]eady Equip a party member with personal items from the party's stores. Use the direction keys and Spacebar or Enter key to select or deselect an item in the menu bar. Press Escape when finished. (See Note below Z-Stats command).

[S]earch Search the location or object in the direction indicated. Searching may detect traps on chests, concealed doors, dungeon floor traps, or reveal hidden items. Use the south direction key (2), to search the immediate area in dungeon halls.

[T]alk AIlows you to converse with merchants or townfolk in the direction indicated. Conversation is possible over counters, tables, fences, and through windows and doors with windows.

[U]se Use a potion, scroll, or other special item found during the game. (See Note below Z-Stats command. )

[V]iew Reveals a bird's-eye view of the surrounding countryside, city, or dungeon floor currently occupied. View requires a special item.

[X]-it Exit or dismount current form of transportation, leaving it behind while continuing on foot. Horses not left by a hitching post may wander off. Exiting from a ship is possible only if there is a skiff available or if the ship is next to Iand.

[Y]ell On a ship, Yell will hoist or furl sails. In other situations, Yell will allow you to enter up to two lines of text to be spoken loudly.

[Z]-Stats Displays the status and attributes of your party members, including several screens of information such as supplies, weapons, and spells. Use the East and West directional keys to change pages. Use the North and South directional keys to scroll. up and down long lists. Pressing the Escape key or the Spacebar will exit the Z-Stat screens.

Note: Extra keys available for Z-Stats, Ready and Use commands:

1-6, 0 Designate Active Player Several commands request one party member be selected perform the action requested. When this is required, an illuminated cursor bar will appear over the names of your party members. Use the directional keys to highlight the name of the character you wish to designate and press Enter, or abort the command by pressing Escape.

Instead of selecting a party member to perform a command each time you invoke it, you may set any living party member as the "active player." The "active player" will be the default player for commands that require a single party member for execution (i.e., Jimmy, Get, Search, etc.). This player will remain your active player until you select another party member or disable this feature by pressing 0. This player will not serve as the default during combat. You may assign a party member to be the active player during combat if you so choose. To assign a player as the active player, press the number key from 1 to 6 representing that player's position in the party roster.

[Spacebar] Pass Pass a turn, allowing time in the game to proceed. Also aborts any command requiring a directional key.

[Escape] Escape Aborts or exits commands that use scrolling menus. Escape speeds exit from combat scenes after all foes have been overcome, and allows you to abandon any charmed creatures in combat and dungeon rooms.

Ctrl-S Toggle Sound Turns sound effects on or off.

Ctrl-B Toggle Buffer Turns keyboard buffer on or off.

Ctrl-E Exit Game Exit the game and return to the CD Games menu. Be sure to save your game first if you want to save your current position.

Magic & Casting Spells Ultima 5 - Warriors of Destiny

The Languages of Magic

Some aspects of magical lore have become fairly well known. One such is the language of magic. This is a set of twenty-four syllables compiled by a great language scholar after traveling throughout Britannia for more than seven years. These are all the components of any magic spell yet unknown; but they are little help -- and extremely dangerous -- without knowledge of how to combine them into the phrases that make meaningful incantations.

Following is a list of these powerful syllables, approximations of their meanings, and a guide to their pronunciation.

Syllable Idea Sound

An negate ah n
Bet small b eh t
Corp death k oar p
Des down d eh ss
Ex freedom x
Flam flame fl ah m
Grav energy gr ah v
Hur wind h oo r
In create ih n
Kal invoke k ah l
Lor light l oar
Mani life m ah n ee
Nox poison n ah ks
Por movement p oar
Quas illusion kw ah ss
Rel change r eh l
Sanct protection s aa ng kt
Tym time t ih m
Uus up oo ss
Vas great v ah ss
Wis knowledge w e ss
Xen creature z eh ss
Ylem matter aye l eh m
Zu sleep z oo

The Mixtures of Magic

Reagents are herbs needed for the preparation of magical mixtures. Most are sold in apothecaries; a few are hard to find and require special effort to obtain. Following is a chart of the magical reagents and the general areas of proficiency they affect (in parentheses).

Black Pearl (Projection)-- A rare version of the standard white pearl, a black pearl is a forceful reagent in the creation of kinesthetic magic, that is, projecting objects.

Blood Moss (Movement)-- Fungal growth usually found in deep forests and warm, damp areas; especially favored as a reagent for its ability to enhance mobility.

Garlic (Warding)-- Ubiquitous and strong-scented reagent, used effectively in warding off evil spirits.

Ginseng (Healing)-- Ancient reagent used extensively in healing.

Mandrake Root (Power)-- Very rare and usually expensive magical herb growing only in swampy areas, mandrake root is said to bring great power to magic that uses it.

Nightshade (poison, Illusion)-- Rare, poisonous plant that appears only when the moons are in a certain conjunction. Those who learn its whereabouts and manage to be there in the dead of night when the moons are full can pick nightshade without danger and benefit from its powerful ability as a reagent to create illusions.

Spider Silk (Binding)-- The magical product of the garden spider and its relatives has no peer in its ability to bind. As a reagent mixed for magic, spider silk magnifies its binding power many times over.

Sulphurous Ash (Energy)-- Common material left by volcanic action, ash is an excellent source of energy in magical mixtures.

The Spells

Spells diverge greatly in term of difficulty, and, correspondingly, in terms of danger to the caster. After years of observation, and experimentation, scholars in magic have classified spells into eight circles of difficulty. Thus, mages who can command only the simplest spells are considered to be in the first circle.

Full mages' magical ability is directly related to their intelligence. Bards appear to have half the magical ability of full mages and fighters rarely have any. Casting spells drains magical powers, limiting how many spells mages can cast before resting. A spell will drain magical powers in amounts proportional to the spell's circle of difficulty.

On the facing page, a chart classifies the spells by circle, with a brief indication of each spell's use, a note on when it can be used, and an ingredient list. Do not take the ingredient lists to be recipes, as wrong quantities or careless mixing could have terrible results.

Note that not all spells can be used in all situations. Quite a few spells need far too much time or concentration to be cast during combat, others feed on the energies present in the battle arena.

Full descriptions of each spell's nature, use and effects follow. In the following chart, dng./com. signifies that the spell works in both dungeons and combat.

Chart of Spells


1st Circle

An Nox cure poison anytime ginseng, garlic
An Zu awaken combat ginseng, garlic
Grav Por magical missile combat ash, pearl
In Lor light noncombat ash
Mani heal anytime ginseng, silk

2nd Circle

An Sanct unlock anytime ash, moss
An Xen Corp repel undead combat garlic, ash
In Wis locate noncombat nightshade, silk, pearl
Kal Xen call animal combat silk, mandrake
Rel Hur wind change noncombat ash, moss

3rd Circle

In Flam Grav wall of fire dng./com pearl, ash, silk
In Nox Grav wall of poison dng./com nightshade, silk, pearl
In Por blink anytime silk, moss
In Zu Grav wall of sleep dng./com ginseng, silk, pearl
Vas Flam ball of flames combat ash, pearl
Vas Lor great light noncombat ash, mandrake

4th Circle

An Grav dispell field anytime pearl, ash
Des Por downward move dungeon moss, silk
In Sanct protection anytime ash, ginseng, garlic
In Sanct Grav protection field dng./com. mandrake, silk, pearl
Uus Por upward move dungeon moss, silk
Wis Quas reveal combat silk, nightshade

5th Circle

An Ex Por magic lock anytime ash, moss, garlic
In Bet Xen insect swarm combat moss, silk, ash
In Ex Por magic unlock anytime ash, moss
In Zu sleep combat ginseng, nightshade, silk
Rel Tym quickness combat ash, mandrake, moss
Vas Mani great heal noncombat ginseng, silk, mandrake

6th Circle

An Xen Ex charm combat pearl, nightshade, silk
In An negate magic anytime garlic, mandrake ash
In Vas Por Ylem tremor combat moss, ash, mandrake
Quas An Wis confuse combat mandrake, nightshade
Wis An Ylem xray noncombat mandrake, ash

7th Circle

In Nox Hur poison wind combat nightshade, ash, moss
In Quas Corp fear combat nightshade, mandrake, garlic
In Quas Corp peer noncombat nightshade, mandrake
In Quas Xen clone combat ash, silk, moss, ginseng, nightshade, mandrake
Sanct Lor invisibility combat mandrake, nightshade, moss
Xen Corp kill combat pearl, nightshade

8th Circle

An Tym time stop anytime mandrake, garlic, moss
In Flam Hur flame wind combat ash, moss, mandrake
In Mani Corp resurrect noncombat garlic, ginseng, silk, ash, moss, mandrake
In Vas Grav Corp cone of energy combat mandrake, nightshade, ash
Kal Xen Corp summon combat mandrake, garlic, moss, silk
Vas Rel Por gate travel noncombat ash, pearl, mandrake


Conversation is integral to ULTIMA V. Only by piecing together clues from the different inhabitants can you complete your quests. You may ask inhabitants about a number of topics. Often you will need to know what to ask a specific person to glean interesting information. All inhabitants will talk about their jobs and give you their names, and asking about these will often help you learn who else to interview and what questions to ask them.

As an example of conversation, you might Talk to Dupre. First you type job. He responds, "I am hunting Gremlins!" Type hunting and he may respond with an interesting insight. Or Iolo might have suggested that you ask Shamino about his sword. If you have already spoken to Shamino, you would not have known to ask

him that, and must seek him out again. You may be asked questions by some of those you meet. Consider carefully before responding; your life may depend on it. How you converse with others will determine how willing they will be to share any new information they have when you next meet them. Do converse with people more than once. Some people you meet may be willing to become your traveling companion. If you wish them to do so, invite them to join your party.

Press Enter or type bye after an inhabitant's response to conclude a conversation.

Keep a journal of your travels. Keep a list of the clues you pick up; there will be too many for you to carry in your head. Thoroughly explore the realm. Exploring each town, castle, keep, and other populated spots will prove to be time well spent.


The party is shown standing on the shore south of the town of Britain. To the east is the castle of Lord British and two of its outlying villages. A frigate is docked at the harbor to the southwest. A marauding band of Ettins, evil two-headed giants, approaches from the north. In the upper-right window the Z-stats command shows the status of the companion British. Normally the party members would be listed in this window. British is a Male Avatar who has attained the second level of experience.He is in Good Health, with 19 Strength, 19 Intelligence, and 23 Dexterity Points. While he currently has 49 Hit Points, he can have a Maximum of 60 Hit Points. He has earned 156 Experience Points in battle and has 19 Magic Points.

Pressing the key at this point would display the list of armor and weapons he currently carries.

At the top of the left window, the sun is about to set, and the newly risen moon, Trammel, is in its Gibbous Waxing phase.

The Ettins are attacking ! In this close-up view of the battle field, the Ettins are closing in on British from the east and west. Shamino lies slain, crushed by aboulder. In the upper-right window the names and current conditions of all three companions are shown: British has 45 Hit Points and is Poisoned, while Shamino is Dead with 0 Hit Points, and Iolo is in Good condition with 87 Hit Points. The party has 116 meals' worth of Food, and 150 Gold Crowns. It is the eighth day of the fourth month of the year 137, and the position of the sun would mark the time as midmorning.